Pilates - Swimming / Table Top : Strengthens back, shoulders and stomach as well as improving balance
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- Position yourself on your hands and knees – knees under hips and hands underneath shoulders. Breathe navel towards spine (as if your leggings or shorts have shrunk a little in the wash!) Inhale.
- Exhale, slowly lifting the left arm (to shoulder height) and the right leg out to the back (no higher than hip height. Imagine a line between fingertips and tiptoes (attached photo)
- Inhale and return to start position (box position)
- Exhale, slowly lifting right arm (to shoulder height) and the left leg out to the back (no higher than hip height. Imagine a line between fingertips and tiptoes. Inhale and return to start position.
- Repeat up to 10 times each side before releasing into child's pose
If you have balance issues or shoulder problems then please keep the foot of the moving leg in contact with your mat. In other words slide the leg and foot OUT not upwards.
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